Friday, December 5, 2008

Welcome new VISTAs!!!

Wednesday marked the end of training for three new VISTAs: Katie, Audrey, and Delores. Welcome!

We celebrated the new arrivals to our team with a VISTA happy hour at Golden West Cafe in Hampden.

Next Wednesday we will be joined by Constance, a new-to-us VISTA who is transferring from another site.

VISTAs at Golden West:

Monday, December 1, 2008

VISTA Project Spotlight

Copied from the GHCC Digest, I'm going to share every two weeks:

VISTA Project Spotlight

Community Connections VISTA John Bernet has been collaborating with neighborhood residents, university partners, and school staff to plan a community garden in a now-unused lot near Dallas F. Nicholas Elementary School. Stakeholders identified so far include the Old Goucher and Barclay neighborhoods, Parks & People Foundation, Dallas Nicholas, and Goucher College. John is hoping for an after-school program at Dallas Nicholas to teach children to maintain the garden, which would be home to both vegetables and flowers.

Donation Only (!) Yoga Studio in Hampden

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! If you're like me you're feeling a little sluggish from all those mashed potatoes, so I thought I'd let you know about a new, donation only community yoga studio in Hampden. For those of us who love yoga but can't justify the cost while we're only making $10,000 a year, Let's Flow Yoga is perfect.

Check out the class schedules on their website and head on over! I haven't been yet, but I plan on visiting soon to work on getting my muscles in shape for skiing in January. Let's Flow is located on Falls Road at the Avenue in Hampden.